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frontlip58 ([info]frontlip58) wrote,
@ 2013-03-18 23:20:00

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Skycore barcode scanner app uses smartphone, tablet cameras
Skycore, developers of the commercial data collection app, codeREADr, has launched its SD PRO scan engine as an alternative to “expensive” barcode scanning hardware.

Announcing the release of the new scan engine, Skycore CEO, Rich Eicher, said the engine uses just the built-in, auto-focus cameras of iOS or Android devices, and is fully integrated with codeREADr's apps and cloud-based Web services.

“It enables the app to read, track and authenticate data embedded in commercial barcode symbologies and creates new AIDC opportunities in healthcare, education, retail and enterprise.

"With SD PRO, we dramatically improved scanning speed and decoding accuracy and can now scan over 45 different barcode symbologies, even when extremely small, embedded with lots of data, partially damaged or scanned at extreme angles," Eicher said.
According to Eicher, SD PRO will impact market share for traditional scanning hardware, “though purpose-built mobile computers won't go away -- they are especially useful in harsh, rugged environments."

"More importantly, our vision is creating new opportunities based on the low price, convenience, versatility and ready availability of smartphones and tablets.

“We see dramatic growth in value-added services to support those opportunities," Eicher added.

Eicher gave examples of supported symbologies, including:

• PDF-417 (boarding passes, driver's licenses, shipments, patient IDs, expo badges)

• Aztec (boarding passes, rail tickets)

• Data Matrix (medicine, military assets, documents)

• Code 39/Code 128 (VIN numbers, tickets, shipments, packaging)

• QR Codes (tickets, boarding passes, IDs)

• Plessey/MSI (shelf labels)

• Codabar (FED-X, blood banks, libraries)

• C128 ISBT (human blood, tissue, cellular therapy products)

• Interleaved 2 of 5 (packaging, receipts)

• Tri-optic (media labels)

• GS1 Databar / RSS-14 (healthcare, fresh produce, coupons)

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