11:51am 28/08/2008
okk. so I stumbled upon this website called the meme express and that was probably not good for your flist. just sayin'. here a few I grabbed at random, and feel free to steal them. I'm going to answe them for only one of my characters, starting in alphabetical order-- I'm really surprised I've got a system!

[idk why it won't be uncentred without deleting the cut. hmm.]


Do you love the rain . . . or hate it? The rain's okay, I suppose. It's water. I like water. But it's not always good to be swimming when it's raining.

Have you ever sung, danced or simply played in the rain? Yes. And there won't be an explanation to that one.

What do you like best about a rainy day? Everything seems so much slower on a rainy day. I don't have to worry about keeping up with every one and thing.

Have you ever thought about the rain (or a storm) as a metaphor for life? No, not really, but now that you mention it...


Do you remember rising early on Saturday mornings, as a child,
to watch your favorite animated series?
Gulah-Gulah Island, oh my God.

Which cartoons did you like the most? see number one.

Do you still enjoy animated programming? It depends what it is. I'm not going to watch most of the cartoons on nowadays, because they're all shit.

What do you think about the advertising that accompanies these shows? They make me hungry, generally. But I don't think kids shows should have advertisements. That's just causing parents to spend more money on useless things-- trust me, I know.

How have animated programs changed in recent years? They suck now. Short and simple.


Do you love to read? I like to read, yes.

How many paperbacks do you have going at one time? I try to have just one. I don't have time for more than one.

What is your favorite genre of books? I like real-life sort of things. Struggles of the everyman.

Do you consider paperback books a scholarly pursuit or a guilty pleasure? Both. Or can't they be in-between?

Have you ever written a book? Hah, yeah right. Although it kind of is a dream of mine.

If you could write a book, what would it be about? Recently I've been thinking a lot about the prairie. Maybe it's because I'm from Kansas, I don't know.


Do you believe in Heaven? Yes, I very much believe in Heaven.
Is it a tangible place? I don't know what you mean by 'tangible'. Is it realistic? Well, no, not really. It's Heaven.But that doesn't mean it's not real.
What do you think it is like? I think everyone that's ever been lost is there. Every family can be together and be happy. That's what Heaven is: happiness.
Do you think you will go there someday? If I keep playing my cards right, then yes.
What is eternity? Eternity's forever. Heaven is eternity.
How important is it to think about Heaven now? It's important, but not so important. As long as I keep going to church and being a (semi-)proper Christian, I'm fine.


What special memories do you have of your own parents? I remember when they told me that I was never going to have a little brother or sister. It's really vivid in my head-- Mom was wearing a blue dress and looking real sad, and Dad was in suit. Not sure why. I was sitting on the couch playing with a Barbie and just say, "Yeah, okay."  I still feel that way, I guess.

Why not recount an anecdote from your own childhood? I fell off a horse and scraped my knee and ripped my cute pink dress. Mom told me that at least I wasn't really hurt. I said that my dress was hurt and stormed off, only to fall again and get mud all over myself. She just laughed.

Are you a parent? No. Thank God. I know what a condom is.

Got any helpful advice for parents-to-be? Spoil them. Worked for me!

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