another meme!  
07:48pm 24/08/2008

How long have you been roleplaying?: well, I started at about 12, but that was all really shite quality. I started with the reincarnated authors (and actual good games) around 2 years ago, I guess.
How many characters do you currently have?: Uhm. I think I'd have to list them to get them all: Albert, Davy, Louisa, Lydia, Markie, Romeo, and Tom. The last two I don't really play, and that only really upsets me about Romeo.
How many of them are in a relationship?: 4.
What's your favourite current romantic pairing?: Romeo/Juliet will always make me happy. And for some reason I really love Louisa/Jack.
What's your favourite romantic pairing that you’ve ever had?: Oh wow tough question. I really liked JT/Lydia, no matter how short it was. But I love all my pairings <3.
What's your favorite non-romantic pairing that you currently have or have ever had?: Oscar/Louisa, Romeo/Mark

Which of your characters is most likely to kiss on a first date?: Romeo (although he's not going to have any more first dates), Markie most def, Louisa maybe.
Which of your characters is most likely to sleep with someone they just met?: Romeo, Markie, and Louisa did it but thankfully got a relationship out of it
Which of your characters is most likely to have a one night stand?: Markie, and surprisingly I can see Tom doing it.
Which of your characters is most likely to have an affair with someone much older?: Markie. Because she is a slut.
Which of your characters is most likely to have an affair with someone younger than them?: Again Markie, for the same reason. Others depend on exactly how much younger.
Which of your characters is most likely to have an affair with someone who's married?: Markie. Romeo, if he wasn't married himself.
Which of your characters is most likely to have a secret gay affair?: Romeo has had secret gay affairs, but he is now very straight. Markie would swing that way, if you will, if the girl was hot enough.

Which of your characters is most likely to get pregnant without being married first?: Markie, and Lydia if she ever had premarital sex.
Which of your characters (that is not already a parent) is least likely to become a parent?: Even though it contradicts the question above, Lydia. She likes kids but I can't see her settling down and having them-- on purpose.
Which of your characters is most likely to get married?: Albert, and if things continue the way they are, Louisa.
Which of your characters is most likely to never get married?: Lydia and Markie
Which of your characters is most likely to stay married longest?: Albert, Louisa, and Lydia if she could get to that point.
Which of your characters is most likely to get a divorce?: Markie. For some reason I want to say Davy, too, even though he's a romantic.
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