getting back into the swing of things  
07:30pm 20/07/2008

(I'm home yaaaay I missed you guys.)

Comment here with a character of mine, and I'll tell you five things you didn't know about him/her, as well as one thing even he/she doesn't realize!


Which scenarios would you like to see my characters get into? This could be anything from more interaction with another char, more emphasis on a certain character flaw they have, or something as simple as more happy scenes!


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(no subject)
03:12am 21/07/2008 (UTC)
message in a monologue: LOVE
picword: LOVE
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12:36am 22/07/2008 (UTC)
chelamarie.: fictional boyfriends
1. loves his vespa more than his parents, but not quite as much as juliet.
2. did marijuana for the first time at age thirteen on the playground at school. he got out of suspension by giving the principal a crisp fifty dollar bill that he'd stolen from his father.
3. wants to be a daddy, but not for ten years at least. he's too young yet.
4. was best friends with a homeless kid for a few months when he was in elementary school. his parents found out, told him that he was better than that, and romeo never saw him again.
5. is allergic to dogs. his parents have one anyway.
0. never thought he'd really truly be in love.
picword: fictional boyfriends
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