a favour~  
12:05pm 10/09/2008
you guys are good a pbs, yeah? yeah, that's what I thought. I need you to search for me because I'm coming up with nothing but I really want this character to have a proper pb. 

so here's what I need. I'm making a new character for ps but it's hush hush for now. so shhhh. I need a native american teenage boy. if he's not really native, but like hawaiian or indian or whatever that's cool, but he just needs to have that feel.

your help is very much appreciated, bbs.

edit: and because I'm a totally douche I didn't look at the ooc comm until just now, so I now know that characters aren't being accepted at this point in time. but I don't care because I'm doing him and he can just sit around. :]
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