(no subject)  
05:27pm 01/06/2008
Sitting here with a on a laptop on my (three guesses!) lap, I'm feeling very creative. And I was thinking about doing a scene when I realised, shock gasp, that I haven't used tom at all yet. this needs to be remedied.

I have very little feel for him at all. he's a rockstar-in-training and a secret poet. he's protective and going a bit stir crazy. I need to use him or he's going to disappear entirely.

I was thinking that maybe I'd use him more if he had his little sister, Laura, in the game. I know there are already siblings in the game, but Tom really does love his sister very much-- when she's not getting on his nerves, which is a lot of the time, but still.

So the point of this post, surprisingly, was for me to beg for a Laura Wingfield. no one has to take her up, but if you've read 'the glass menagerie' and are interested, we should plot. :]
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