this meme was on pierian a little bit ago, and now I'm going to copy my stuff over to here. I only did it for two characters, though, so I'll have to tackle the rest.
1) What are two things that you have on you at all times?: a book and a pen
2) How many scars do you have? How did you get the most interesting/significant ones?: Who counts their scars?
3) Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want a) as a dinner guest? b) as a close friend? c) as a lover?: a) My aunt in Switzerland. I think she actually understands me and she bought me a car. b) Hans. He's always been there for me, even when I screwed things up. c) Hah, someone could love me?
4) What is your favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: My eyes are nice, I guess
5) What is your least favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: My stupid hair. It's always in the way
6) What is your dream future? Where do you fantasize about being ten/twenty years from now?: I want to be away from this place. I want to be away from Indiana. I don't care where, just some place where no one knows me.
7) What's the most frightened you've ever been? Was your fear real, imagined, or exaggerated?: Everyone already thinks I'm a whiny baby. Why would I admit my fears?
8) Where do you work? How important is your job to you?: I don't work. I don't have the people skills
9) What was your life like this time last year? Has it changed for the better?: I'm braver, now. But I don't know if this is for the better or not.
10) You have four hours to live. What do you do?: Fade into obscurity.
1) What are two things that you have on you at all times?: A guitar pick and my cell phone
2) How many scars do you have? How did you get the most interesting/significant ones?: I'm hardcore, so I have lots. I have one giant one on each knee from when I tried to go down a Slip-n-Slide without water when I was little. Good times, good times.
3) Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want a) as a dinner guest? b) as a close friend? c) as a lover?: a.) My father, so I could ask him what exactly it is that he does b.) Nico, I think, since he's already the closest friend I have c.) Well, right now, Anne, but if Scarlett Johansen was like, "Hey, Emerson, wanna hook up?" I'd be there.
4) What is your favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: My eyes
5) What is your least favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: I have skinny stick legs. They're gross.
6) What is your dream future? Where do you fantasize about being ten/twenty years from now?: Are you serious? I'll be a bloody rockstar! Or maybe teaching. Something.
7) What's the most frightened you've ever been? Was your fear real, imagined, or exaggerated?: I was terrified when Anne and I were chased by that monster. It was real, I know it was, but I don't like admitting it.
8) Where do you work? How important is your job to you?: I don't work, because I'm lazy. I'm thinking of getting a job ths summer, though. I need money.
9) What was your life like this time last year? Has it changed for the better?: I think my life has gotten better. I mean, it's pretty much the same, but I have a pretty steady girl now and I think that my guitar is getting better. Plus, I haven't been scared shitless recently. That's always a plus.
10) You have four hours to live. What do you do?: Scream. A lot. And destroy things. Because really, what's anyone going to do to me? I'd tell Anne, too, and my family, but mostly I'd be a general menace to society.
1) What are two things that you have on you at all times?: my cell phone and some kind of money
2) How many scars do you have? How did you get the most interesting/significant ones?: a lot- I grew up on a farm. I have a long scar on my lower back from when I fell off a tractor and hit something sharp. It's kinda cool.
3) Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want a) as a dinner guest? b) as a close friend? c) as a lover?: a.)My grandmother in Japan. I love talking to her, and she's an amazing cook. b.) Oscar. I love him to death c.) I don't think my boyfriend's half bad, really. ;]
4) What is your favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: My hair. It's soft and I can wear it lots of ways
5) What is your least favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: I'm too short.
6) What is your dream future? Where do you fantasize about being ten/twenty years from now?: Jack and I have discussed this. I'm going to live on a farm with my children, and he's going to run a caribou farm. We'll visit every summer.
7) What's the most frightened you've ever been? Was your fear real, imagined, or exaggerated?: I don't like to talk about when I was most frightened. He hurt me. They hurt me and it scared me to death. I was also terribly scared when those wolves chased Jack and me. Oh my God.
8) Where do you work? How important is your job to you?: Right now I'm unemployed because school is taking over my life.
9) What was your life like this time last year? Has it changed for the better?: Last year... was the same, almost. Some relationships have changed (for better or for worse). I do think I'm in a better spot, though, overall.
10) You have four hours to live. What do you do?: I'd cry. I know I would. And then I'd call everyone I ever knew and tell them. If I was somewhere near Kansas I'd try to go home, but if not, I'd find a nice, peaceful place and just sit. Recollect.
1) What are two things that you have on you at all times?: some kind of jewelry and a hair tie
2) How many scars do you have? How did you get the most interesting/significant ones?: I have so many scars. I'm not exactly a careful person
3) Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want a) as a dinner guest? b) as a close friend? c) as a lover?: a) Ghandi. Or Al Gore. He seems cool. b) At first, Oma was kind of annoying to live with, but now I think she's a really great person and actually one of my best friends. It's weird. c) JT. I didn't think I'd ever have a boyfriend I care so much about. I didn't think I'd ever have a boyfriend at all.
4) What is your favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: Either my hair or my eyes.
5) What is your least favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: I love a strange neck, I think.
6) What is your dream future? Where do you fantasize about being ten/twenty years from now?: I want to be on Broadway. I'll be headlining shows and writing childrens' books on the side.
7) What's the most frightened you've ever been? Was your fear real, imagined, or exaggerated?: I've been frightened so many times since I moved to Pierian Springs, sadly. I can't even pinpoint my most frightened moment: the monkeys, the trees. I'm frightened of the woods and it kills me.
8) Where do you work? How important is your job to you?: I find that most places want you to be able to drive to work, and I don't want to have to do that.
9) What was your life like this time last year? Has it changed for the better?: Well, I've moved from my beloved New York, but I guess that's okay. I'm starting to feel much more at home here. I have a wonderfully amazing boyfriend now, too.
10) You have four hours to live. What do you do?: Plant trees and flowers. Go swimming. Sunbathe with JT. And I'd call my parents to tell them that I forgive them for leaving me.
1) What are two things that you have on you at all times?: lipstick and a condom
2) How many scars do you have? How did you get the most interesting/significant ones?: I don't get scars. I'm too perfect.
3) Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want a) as a dinner guest? b) as a close friend? c) as a lover?:
a) Angelina Jolie. I want to know what potion she drank to be so beautiful. b) Aniko. She's a doll. c) Brad Pitt. I'd steal him w
4) What is your favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: My lips
5) What is your least favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: I'm a little short, but I'm Asian.
6) What is your dream future? Where do you fantasize about being ten/twenty years from now?: In 10 years I'll be married somewhere. Maybe I'll be in Korea, because the fashion is so much better there.
7) What's the most frightened you've ever been? Was your fear real, imagined, or exaggerated?: I don't get frightened. I frighten.
8) Where do you work? How important is your job to you?: Why would I need to work?
9) What was your life like this time last year? Has it changed for the better?: My life was pretty much the same last year. I'm doing more newspaper-related things now, though.
10) You have four hours to live. What do you do?: Kiss (or have sex with, whichever) as many boys as possible. And maybe I'd tell my parents I'm sorry for being a whore.
1) What are two things that you have on you at all times?: my wallet and my cell phone
2) How many scars do you have? How did you get the most interesting/significant ones?: I fell down Sophie's steps and scraped my arm up really bad. She laughed and then had to drive me to the hospital to get stitches.
3) Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want a) as a dinner guest? b) as a close friend? c) as a lover?: a)The Queen b)Ellee. Even though she's mean, she's the best friend I've ever had. c)Sophie
4) What is your favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: My hair's pretty soft.
5) What is your least favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: I'm so lanky.
6) What is your dream future? Where do you fantasize about being ten/twenty years from now?: I'm going to be living in London, married to Sophie. Maybe I'll have a law firm.
7) What's the most frightened you've ever been? Was your fear real, imagined, or exaggerated?: When they carried Ellee off, I thought I was going to die right then. It was terrifying.
8) Where do you work? How important is your job to you?: Thanks for reminding me that I'm a dead beat.
9) What was your life like this time last year? Has it changed for the better?: It's better, I think. Things aren't screwed up with Sophie and I'm still great friends with Ellee. I'm lucky.
10) You have four hours to live. What do you do?: Call Sophie and tell her how much I really love her, and then I'd spend as much time with Ellee as possible.
1) What are two things that you have on you at all times?: a Bible and my cell phone
2) How many scars do you have? How did you get the most interesting/significant ones?: I fell out of a bunk bed and broke my leg. There's a scar from that.
3) Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want a) as a dinner guest? b) as a close friend? c) as a lover?: a) God. I have so many things to ask Him. b) I'm not sure right now. c) Elizabeth. Now and forever.
4) What is your favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: I love my hands.
5) What is your least favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: I'm too tall. I feel like a giant.
6) What is your dream future? Where do you fantasize about being ten/twenty years from now?: I'm going to be with Elizabeth. We'll be married with lots of kids and living the life we deserve.
7) What's the most frightened you've ever been? Was your fear real, imagined, or exaggerated?: I'm frightened right now. I need to tell her but I can't.
8) Where do you work? How important is your job to you?: School's more important than a job right now.
9) What was your life like this time last year? Has it changed for the better?: It was going okay until I broke Elizabeth's heart.
10) You have four hours to live. What do you do?: I'd have to call Elizabeth and apologize. I have to atone. After that, I'd lay down somewhere and read my Bible.
1) What are two things that you have on you at all times?: a fake ID and condoms
2) How many scars do you have? How did you get the most interesting/significant ones?: I punched a window out once. You can barely see the scar though, thankfully.
3) Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want a) as a dinner guest? b) as a close friend? c) as a lover?: a) Bill Gates. He'd pay. b) Mark. He's a good guy. c) My darling Juliet.
4) What is your favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: My kickass body
5) What is your least favorite physical characteristic about yourself?: I'm kind of freckled.
6) What is your dream future? Where do you fantasize about being ten/twenty years from now?: I'll be with Juliet on a beach somewhere, drinking and relaxing.
7) What's the most frightened you've ever been? Was your fear real, imagined, or exaggerated?: We all thought my mom was going to die when I was ten. She didn't, but I was scared.
8) Where do you work? How important is your job to you?: I'm a Montague. We don't work.
9) What was your life like this time last year? Has it changed for the better?: It's so much better now that I have a girl that I love. Last year I was in high school, plundering the campus' girls, and now I'm in college, seeing the girl of my dreams every day.
10) You have four hours to live. What do you do?: I think I'd have to get married to Juliet. Just to see what it's like.