(no subject)  
06:36pm 18/05/2008

I'm a bad person, but you all know that. I'm going to steal this letter-writing meme directly from micha (

[info]lemonadeandgin) because I need something to do.

Here's what you give me:

1) one of my characters
2) one of your characters

Here's what I'll give you:
1) a letter of some sort written to that character

You can choose a love letter, an advice with how to deal with another person, a venting letter about another character, whatever!


tags: ~meme
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(no subject)
02:40am 19/05/2008 (UTC)
lemonadeandgin: anne 1
Anne tells me she would like a letter from Emerson. A complimentary one. I think she just wants to see him squirm.
picword: anne 1
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(no subject)
04:44pm 19/05/2008 (UTC)
chelamarie.: fictional boyfriends
Hey baby.

I wish I had some romantic story to tell you in this. But I don't. I'm in math and it's killing me. I'm so ready to get out of here. You said you're coming up to see me in Toronto this summer, right? I'd love that. I want to see you in a bikini again so badly. Oh God, where did that come from? But seriously. It'd be really great to see you. My mom would probably pull out all the old videos, though. God. You're so much prettier now. I'm really glad I found you again. I don't say it enough, but it's true.

And now I should probably do my math, because if I fail this letter is pretty much worthless.

picword: fictional boyfriends
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