kissy kissy  
12:02pm 13/01/2009
Pick two characters, one I play and one you play, and come with a location and/or situation, and I will write you between 50 and 250 words a short fic of probably any length about the kiss that happened in that context.

It can be a pairing we already share or one that is completely random and impossible! It can also be old characters of mine or yours. No limits on this one!
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(no subject)
10:48pm 13/01/2009 (UTC)
lemonadeandgin: victor 3
Okay shhh this is random but they are historical OTP.

Albert and Victor, at a masked party of some kind.
picword: victor 3
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(no subject)
01:13pm 15/01/2009 (UTC)
chelamarie.: albert
[I'm v. v. glad I don't write victor. this was weird. xD you do it so much better.]

Albert figured his giant ears would’ve held on his mask, but now it was lopsided on his face and a curl of hair stuck awkwardly out over his eye. He felt embarrassed and out of place at a masquerade at all, but now he felt absolutely ridiculous.

Victor knew it was Albert standing near the punch bowl even with the mask. The mask couldn’t hide his tall form, his muscular arms. It was a swimmer’s body and a hot desire rose to Victor’s face. Albert was straight. He knew it. But that didn’t stop Victor from approaching cautiously.

“Hello, Albert,” he said, smiling lightly. “What brings you here?”

Albert squinted his eyes a little and then lit up when he noticed that it was Victor. Thank God, a familiar face, albeit one covered with a mask. “Victor! Hi!” he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck gawkily. “I just… yeah. Party. I though it’d be kind of fun.” And awkward— and that part of his assumption was correct!

Victor nodded solemnly. “And are you having fun?”

“Sort of,” Albert said honestly. He looked down at Victor. “I like your mask. I mean, your entire outfit is nice. You like nice. And—” Albert averted his eyes, the heat rising on his cheeks. Damn mouth. But it was true. Victor did look very nice, and a strange feeling stirring in his stomach.

“Thanks. You too,” Victor said, slightly confused. “Have you been swimming much—”

Albert cut him off with his lips. He had no idea where this sudden urge came from, but he couldn’t say he didn’t like it. He was never spontaneous enough. He was afraid of getting hurt. And he most definitely wasn’t gay. But now he was in a mask, now he could be someone other than Albert Gotha— he was going to take full advantage of it.
picword: albert
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(no subject)
11:56pm 13/01/2009 (UTC)
colourexplosion: john is so gay for rob it hurts
omg omg WADE and DAPHNE, at uhhh....idk some kind of fancy dress party.
picword: john is so gay for rob it hurts
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(no subject)
04:28am 14/01/2009 (UTC)
message in a monologue: yes i can see now
I want YOUR ideas on Wade and Emily, in class. (OHSNAP.)
picword: yes i can see now
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(no subject)
05:56pm 14/01/2009 (UTC)
chelamarie.: wade
“Am I Potential Husband Material yet?” Wade asked from the corner of his mouth, taking his eyes off the teacher momentarily to look at Emily.

She didn’t look back, but continued writing her notes. School was more important than Wade at that moment, no matter how dashing and terrifically awful he was.

“So no?” he asked, leaning toward her slightly. “C’mon, Em. Why am I so bad?” Other than his arrogance, vanity, rudeness, and persistence, of course.

Emily flushed slightly. “I’m not answering your question, Wade. You shouldn’t talk to a lady like that.” Pause. “May I borrow a sheet of paper?”

Wade opened his binder and ripped out a sheet of paper. If he had to use bribes to get another kiss from her, so be it. It wasn’t as if he was above that sort of thing, after all. He would do anything to get another run up the Sleeping with Emily Post ladder. Kisses were just the first step.

"Kiss me again," he demanded simply. "Then you can have all the paper you need. The whole damn notebook, if you want." He didn't do anything but flirt with and stare at her this period, anyway.

She gasped, "Wade Thacker! That's so impolite. I am a lady."

"A lady that needs paper," Wade teased. He leaned in again, blatantly ignoring the teacher, who was still droning in the front of the class. "You've done it before, Em."

Her eyes narrowed and she looked around the classroom sneakily. "The whole notebook?"

"Binder, too, if that's what you want. And there are some condoms in my wallet, but I think I should keep those, just in case." Wink. Wade sometimes wished he wasn't so damn amazing.

Emily blushed again and frowned. "Fine. I want your notebook." She tilted her head toward him slightly. "And I'm just doing this because I need to take notes."

"After the kiss," he said, making their lips meet in the gap between desks. With a smile, into her mouth, Wade joked, "You know, only trollops allow someone to pay them for kisses."
picword: wade
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