1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for? Juliet, in both cases. And although he would probably never admit it, Romeo would kill for his family.
2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why? Leave Juliet. His parents tried it, but there's no way that's happening.
3. What do they dream about? [Either literal or figurative]. Figuratively, Romeo dreams of getting out of school and moving away with Juliet, somewhere where their parents can't bother them. Literally, Romeo doesn't really remember his dreams.
4. What’s their biggest fear? Losing Juliet and his money. Losing one he might be able to survive, but both is a no-go.
5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why? His wedding ring. That thing was expensive, and it symbolises his relationship with Juliet.
6. What is their fondest memory? He can't really pinpoint one fondest memory. From what he can remember, that first night with Juliet was pretty awesome, though.
7. What is their worst memory? Facing his mother and father after marrying Juliet. He was so scared and angry.
8. What or who was were their most significant influence? Expound. His parents, for better or worse. He never wanted for anything (except, perhaps, parental affection) and carries that frame of mind on to his young adulthood. Romeo also got his father's anger, but he tries very hard to keep that in check.
9. What do they believe makes a successful life? Money and love-- and he has both, so Romeo is happy.
10. What makes them laugh? What doesn't make Romeo laugh? He's a fairly easy-going guy. Seeing Mark super drunk is always really funny, though.
11. What are their religious views? Romeo isn't an atheist, because he believes there is some higher power out there, but he isn't attached to any organised religion.
12. What is their greatest strength? Romeo is a lover, not a fighter. Well, not really: he's also a fighter, but he does love to love.
13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it? Arrogance. Contrary to Romeo's belief, not everyone is below him.
14. Who is the most important person in their life? Juliet. That's a simple one.
15. If they died or went missing, who would miss them most? He hopes Juliet and Mark, and maybe his parents if they're done being pissed off at him.
16. How would they describe themselves? awesome, handsome, important
17. How would others describe them? arrogant, loud, rich