I didn't plan on doing this, dammit!  
07:17pm 09/09/2008
you all with your influence.

Give me one of my characters and one of yours, and I'll tell you how they end up together and what their first-born is like, even if they are unqualified to have children. I'll even give a PB because I'm fabulous.
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(no subject)
01:17am 10/09/2008 (UTC)
Liz: cordelia
... *cough* JT and Lydia
picword: cordelia
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04:44pm 10/09/2008 (UTC)
chelamarie.: lydia
JT and Lydia continue their long-distance relationship until after Lydia graduates from college. She surprises him, being the spontaneous girl she is, by moving into town with him. By this point, Lydia's decided that she does want to get married and have kids and JT is happy to oblige. I see their wedding being all outside and eco-friendly and pretty.

michael~In the vein of the Baum family, they have like a dozen kids, but the first is a boy named Michael. From a young age he's taught enviromentalist ways and he becomes a vegan in middle school. (This causes spats between Lydia and her son because he won't eat the famous Baum Family Recipe schnitzel and she has to make him salads.) He's technologically ignorant, like his father, and loves acting-- he's overdramatic like Lydia and is sometimes considered the class clown.
picword: lydia
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