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User:fret (9803)
Name:Emmet Belby
Until you have a son of your own... you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son. You will never know the sense of honor that makes a man want to be more than he is and to pass something good and hopeful into the hands of his son. And you will never know the heartbreak of the fathers who are haunted by the personal demons that keep them from being the men they want their sons to be

Memories1 entry
Schools:None listed
People238:__frankish, a_bit_twisted, aberfort, abugonyourwall, adavies, adorkable, adrians, advancingly, aheavenlycause, alaspooryorick, alectos, alexandrakis, almondjoy, alongday, amarylliss, amelias, amos, amycus_carrow, andromynous, augello, auroared, avant, beavertails, beefstick, bellas, benwicky, berkelisms, bestzeller, bigbrother, bigd, bletchleys, bornforthis, braith, bratemius, brianana, brighten, brockley, brythonichero, cantankerous, carmichael, catchmelove, catchthislove, cecilias, charlottes, chasingquixotic, cheese_nammit, chesters, chickidy, clarabella, cockaigne, cockinafrock, conall, conways, coverstory, crazyzora, curador, dagudge, darlingwendy, dawlishes, dev_ious, devika, dinglealltheway, dirtykirke, docstheword, dodger, dominics, drakontas, edgars, elizaddled, ellsbells, elphias, erinkirked, esp, estellerina, eugenias, feebees, felicisfelix, fictitious, fierce, floonthego, flower, fortunesfool, fredrick, frenzy_franzy, fret, galvinized, gavins, gillant, gimmeabell, glovesmandatory, gogoblins, graeme_cracker, greengrasses, greerie, grreyback, gruffith, gwendolyns, hailmik, happydays, harmonica, hath_no_fury, headbitch, healers_leap, heathers, hollyharpie, hustlequigg, icarus, impossiblecase, impulse, incharge, indigo, ingrids, iseeyoubaby, isthesun, jasons, jasper, jelliebelly, jot_it_down, judes, justicebeaver, justjorkin, kinglyauror, kiska, kookoo, lestrangle, littled, llewellyns, lucys, lysdexia, macks, madducks, madelineann, madley, maggiepie, maintains, malcolmite, malengled, maneater, marridgeback, matildas, mattias, mchealer, mcseeker, mctibs, misschloe, missusprongs, mistermoony, misterpadfoot, misterprongs, misterwormtail, mmmsodreamy, molllywobbles, momo, mulciber, mundungus, mycroftic, mymeredith, mynameisjonas, mythomania, naijas, narcissist, nastyshock, nicoles, notagrapefruit, notorious, nott_hamilton, obtineo, officeprank, olivias, onecurlyfry, ottothisworld, pantsoptional, parkin, partymonster, patricked, peacocked, persephones, podmore, primrosepath, priyaranjan, psyked, queenpea, rabastans, ralphed, rebeccas, ringmybell, roadkiller, rockinrobins, rocknrolla, rooked, rosies, roxannes, samuels, sarahs, scamander, sebclicks, shelovesyou, showersformay, silex, smidge, snapes, softwhatlight, spinnets, stageleft, starcrossed, superbad, supernoah, tabithas, takeachance, takeyoudown, tambourine, tart, teds, thegraychampion, thelibrarian, thembones, thenewstoday, thomases, toad_like, trpns, tttonks, unhooked, valesco_mods, veronicas, violetto_phat, vivindicated, wadcock, wavesofjoy, westisbest, willows, willss, winnietakesall, winsome_wizard, woodenfans, xenophilius, youresovane, zloper, zoey
Communities4:valesco, valesco_history, valesco_ooc, valescoing
Friend of:347: __frankish, a_bit_twisted, aberfort, abugonyourwall, adaminah, adavies, addict, adorkable, adrians, advancingly, aheavenlycause, alaspooryorick, alectos, alexandrakis, almondjoy, alongday, amarylliss, amelias, amos, amycus_carrow, andromynous, antonins, apocalipstick, asloan, augello, auroared, avant, averyavery, babyd, bailey, bamfintraining, beavertails, beefstick, bellas, benwicky, berkelisms, bestzeller, biancas, bigbrother, bigd, bletchleys, blex, bloominglight, bornforthis, braith, branstone, bratemius, brianana, brickhouse, brighten, brightest, brockley, brute, brythonichero, cadfan, cantankerous, capnkangaroo, carmichael, cassandras, catchmelove, catchthislove, catwhisperer, cecilias, charlottes, chasingquixotic, cheese_nammit, chesters, chickidy, clarabella, clutzy, cockaigne, cockinafrock, conall, conways, cordiess, coverstory, crazyzora, curador, dagudge, daniellas, darlingwendy, das_boot, dawlishes, deportee, dev_ious, devika, dinglealltheway, dinglehopper, dirtykirke, docstheword, dodger, dominics, dorcasm_, dragonburns, drakontas, duelbreaker, eagerbeaver, edgars, eieio, elizaddled, ellsbells, elphias, erinkirked, eristelle, esp, estellerina, eugenias, fabulously_fab, faithlesslyre, feebees, felicisfelix, feminist, fictitious, fierce, fire, floonthego, flower, fortunesfool, fredrick, fredricks, frenzy_franzy, fret, galvinized, gavins, gertie, gideon, gillant, gimmeabell, glovesmandatory, gogoblins, golddigger, graeme_cracker, greengrasses, greerie, grreyback, gruffith, gwendolyns, hailmik, happydays, hark, harmonica, harped, hath_no_fury, headbitch, healers_leap, healerstouch, heathers, hellkat, hewetted, heynonny, ...
Member of:2: valesco_history, valescoing
Account type:Early Adopter

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