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Franziska Dolohov

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awards [24 Feb 2008|04:34pm]
Yes I know, I'm just that awesome )
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[12 Feb 2008|10:34pm]
Miranda )

Seriously. Get. A. Life. Preferably one that DOESN'T INVOLVE ME.
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[28 Jan 2008|08:56pm]
You have to be fucking shitting me. Can't those fucking photographers mind their own damn business? That was a fucking private moment. And yea so we decided to take a break and yea that was supposedly mutual but fuck. It even hasn't been a fucking month and he's off gallivanting with some blond bint. He's not even trying to hide it. And before any of you morons out there decide that I point out that I've been off with Bert, don't be naive. Everyone knows that he isn't serious about one girl in particular at any given moment. It was a nice distraction but nothing serious. He On the other had... Have you see the pictures. Its obvious! Even though these rags lie all the time... just look at the fucking pictures. Damn it. The fucking bastard and I was going to owl him and tell him I changed my mind but nooooo Fuck wards because even if I did make it private everyone would know what I was ranting about anyways so I might as well let you all read it anyways.

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[15 Jan 2008|12:21pm]
Damn magazines. What I want to know is how the hell can there be a 'wedding in the works' at the same time my relationship 'is on the rocks'. The two rags even used the same damn picture, don't they fucking check their sources? Wait that was a dumb question. Of course they don't.

Happy Fucking Birthday to me.
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