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Franziska Dolohov ([info]frenzy_franzy) wrote,
@ 2008-11-12 10:17:00

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The fucking bastard!             
I should of known this wouldn't
Are you kidding me, right where everyone can see             
'Strictly friendly' my ass.         
I suppose I should of expected this, you are Bertram after all


Just in case you didn't know I have managed to get my journal back from my mother.   It didn't take me too long.  I am now all caught up in the recent events of every ones lives.  Hooray.

Stubby, dear,  what have you been up to lately?  You've been unusually quiet.

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2008-11-13 12:27 am UTC (link)
Saturday sometime around six, my mother has set me up with some guy for a lunch date and I need someone to turn my day around. It would be awful if my whole weekend turned out crappy.

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2008-11-13 01:57 pm UTC (link)
Oh, we certainly can't allow that! Where will I meet you?

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