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Franziska Dolohov

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[15 Jan 2020|01:46pm]
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{Franziska Boardman

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[25 Sep 2011|05:15pm]
For the last time, my cheeks are not chubby, and I haven't 'let myself go' now that I'm married. We were married for six months before that ceremony anyways.

Merlin. The one time jumping to the conclusion of pregnancy wouldn't have been wrong, its not even mentioned.

Also, my hair looks fabulous short. Don't be jealous.
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[30 Jul 2011|11:00pm]
I've been feeling sick for like a month and it sucks. Perhaps I picked up a bug while on my honey-----


Miranda )

Stubby )
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[05 Mar 2011|09:34pm]
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[20 May 2010|11:22am]
I have decided as awesome as my current ring is, it doesn't stop other guys from trying to ask me out, which is kind of flattering yet annoying. and lets not forget the cupid debacle.

Anyways! I want this.
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[16 Feb 2010|11:29pm]
I am going to strangle cupid if I ever see him.
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[13 Jan 2010|03:21pm]
I feel like making a cake, anyone want to show me how?  Oh i think I can manage

Can I make one now and still have one on my birthday friday?

EDIT:   So, I'll definitely be needing that birthday cake friday being as mine caught fire, how does that even happend by the way,  the timer hadn't even gone off yet---ended up burnt  didn't turn out.  I guess baking is harder than I thought.

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[24 Dec 2009|10:21pm]

I'm pretty sure this one is the best one ever.

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[03 Dec 2009|01:34pm]
I'm going to Mexico! 
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[11 Oct 2009|11:49pm]
So seriously, does anyone know what an Atari is?
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[05 Oct 2009|05:18pm]
Owl to Kalista )

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[15 Sep 2009|05:08pm]
Hello, London.  How I've missed you.    Except not really at all.  just as dull as i remember.
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[17 Aug 2009|09:55pm]
Seriously?  Are you fucking kidding me?  I'm hiding from hags like you so I'm not being written about in the papers....  Stubby fucking Boardman?  Seriously?  I haven't talked to him in ages...  I'm more worried about Darwin coming after me than him.  I hate you you ugly old hag.

I believe some people are just jealous.  Russia is very nice this time of year.

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[03 Aug 2009|07:55pm]
International Owl to Miranda Parry )
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[20 Jul 2009|11:46pm]
Darwin )

Yes, I know, I'm an awful horrible bitch and I probably deserve to die an old lonely hag.  Go on, say what you wish.  Get on with it.

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[05 Jul 2009|02:40pm]
Friends and family and pretty much anyone who cares )

Bertram )

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[20 Jun 2009|12:00am]
The people who are doing my wedding invitations for me are going to get murdered have apparently decided that I don't need them when I asked for them and now they are going to be a week later than they already are which means I'm going to have to send them out two weeks later than I had planned and then people aren't going to have enough notice to plan to come and its all going to be a disaster and that's not even considering the fact that I might not even make ----- 

So in case you were  wondering,  July 16th.  That's the day. 

Bertram )

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[22 May 2009|10:21pm]
Private! )

Miranda! )

Bertram Aubrey, you are an ass!     It is not suppose to be this stressful!

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[09 Apr 2009|10:24pm]
With everything that's been going on lately, you'd think that there were more important things to print than what my motives to  get married are.

So stop being jealous whores and get over yourselves already.   I'm marrying Darwin Baddock and nothing you say will make me change my mind.
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[23 Mar 2009|10:39pm]
Private )

Winnie! )

So 7 shops and 4 hours later I've finally found my ring

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