Current mood: | hyper |
Current music: | "Bleeding Love" |
what to say about life lately.... CRAZYYYYYYYY.
for one. Jay is getting married next month.... to Sarah.
whos pregnant. again.
Im happy for them... I am =)
I think...... its confusing I dont want him back, but I just dont want him to be with her.
even though hes a lying little... sweet heart.
Ive been talking to this guy at work. hes such a CUTIE.
and hes sweet, kind, nice. his names Seamus (like Shea- mus).
I call him babydoll hahaha.
OKAY... so Ive decided-ish on what Im hoping my graduation gift is from my rents.
Im completely in LOVE with this tattoo... and Ive never really WANTED one... but this one is AMAZING.
its like a heart with swirly lines coming off the bottom to the sides.
and its black with like an outline in pink (my fave color)
and I want my initials on the inside of the heart.
and in the swirls, I want my Moms, Dads, Sisters, and Brothers initials in them.
my Dad really is against tatts though. but its not like I want to get a big play boy bunny on my chest or something.
I want it on my lower back... a "tramp stamp"
and I wanna get my nose, and tongue peirced, but I really think my tongue is too short, so Im prolly not.
and if I can tone my tummie, I want my belly button peirced too.
my Mom said yes to my nose, but not to my tongue and belly button....
which makes no sense to me cuz those are the least visible of the ones I want.
I dont get ittttttttttt.
I want them so bad, and I wanna get them all before we go to Maine =)
Im praying to God they let me.
I miss Katie. we hardly ever talk anymore.
and we dont email eachother either.
its pathetic, the only time I talk to one of my best friends, is by email.
I hate it.
I was in such a good mood today. I was soooo loud, louder than normall, which yes, its possible.
Mr. Tracey wanted to tape my mouth shut.
he was like an inch away but I was like...
"I think duct tape would work better."
and he was like "Yeah, but I dont have any."
haha he kept giving me "dirty looks"
which made me crack up cuz he looked like a cracked out turrle.
haha well Im bored.
so I guess Ill go clean my room or somethinggggg.
<3 byeeeee.
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