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Daman Chander

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Test Scene: Because you never know... [20 Feb 2013|07:22pm]
Oh New York New york. it was one of those cities so well known for it's glitz and slush. Much like his very own London, it has so many shadows and hide-y holes that getting lost is easy enough. Now if only the damn idiots around him would stop staring at him like he was some damn important person?

"Th' hell do you want, prigs?" is all he can say as he lights a fag and starts walking. He's well dressed but casual, so the attention is a bit odd. Perhaps it's his own demeanor. he almost had an episode with Hyde on the plane, something that a quick bit of tranqs were able to take care of, but now that the tranqs have worn off he's on edge. he needs to relax, find a place in the shadows to take a load off, find some time. maybe get a bird or two...or possibly a pub..er, bar. They call them "bars" here. Get a drink.
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Character App: Floronic Man [20 Feb 2013|06:43pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Chris
Email: On File
AIM (if you have one): On File
Character Name: Daman Chander
Character LJ (if applicable): floronic_hyde
Physical description (face, build, weight): Daman is an Indian man of moderate build and height, not able to tower over others but not exactly small. He is often well dressed, but what is telling is the way he carries himself: he is self-assured to a fault. He has a Grin that asks for trust and disarmament of any hostility.
Age: 29
Birthday: August 13
Codename (if using one): Floronic Man
PB: (If using one.) Madhur Mittal
Abilities: In his human form, Daman is a world class corporate espionage agent. He has no abilities aside form his own wit and charm (as well as a very robust exercise routine that is hidden underneath nice suits). As he focuses his expertise within the Biotech industry, he has a capable understanding of biochemistry and bioengineering. In the times he becomes the Floronic Man, he gains minor control of plant-life and increased strength, speed, and stamina akin to a human on Venom.
Weaknesses and flaws: In his normal form, he has the physical stamina of a regular human who gets regular exercise. As the Floronic Man, Daman becomes far more suseptitble to fire in all it's forms. In addition, when the Floronic Man, Daman becomes dangerously psychopathic and unstable, usually manifested as a whole separate personality that happily refers to itself as Hyde.
Character location/Home: London, England
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Sort of Villain?
Team: Suicide Squad
Relatives (living/dead?): Parents unknown, both presumed dead, The Old Man ("father", presumed dead)
Backstory: A forgotten orphan shuffled from home to home, Daman was never the largest boy nor the fastest growing up, which led to many scars and bones broken on the streets of London. He did, however, have wit and a way with words that made him the perfect at making his way through his London, conning his way into places a young man should not be able to. Eventually, he was picked up and trained by a much better thief than he known by innumerable aliases, but known only to Daman as "The Old Man", someone who was good enough to be on several nations wanted lists but not so high status as to become the target of the "caped crowd". This thief taught the young man the basics of theft on a grand scale, but to give the child some "legitimacy" began paying for the young mans stint through college and medical school (defrauding the Crown often to pay for the schooling). This put Daman in a perfect position to become a master of corporate espionage.
Until the Old Man was caught and tried to betray Daman to get out of an execution from one of the crime lords he had betrayed when he himself was a young man. This was as Daman was getting his hands on chemicals that at one time belonged to Pamela Isley. The betrayal, led by mercenaries hired by the Crime Lord caused Daman to be covered in chemicals. The pain of being covered in the chemicals was so intense that he blacked out, and several hours later he found himself unharmed, and with several bodies around him.
It wasn't until later did he get an inkling as to what happened: a second personality had surfaced in his mind, born out of the intense pain that the chemicals caused and had somehow latched onto the chemical bath he received.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: With Suicide Squad shenanigans.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Definitely get some time with The Old Man
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Some growth, and possibly some wonderfully Jekyll/Hyde moments.
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