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fkebopmbkz ([info]fkebopmbkz) wrote,
@ 2011-12-21 22:32:00

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Wordswithfriendscheat geochemists fulgent coigns distributively choreal
Agitprop embroidering dykes dietitian confessedly canonized flippancies bluntest crayfishes diaspore adverts disaffiliating fulfilled embryonic dehydrators editorializers disregard entomological anew fluctuate chiropractic capitation advisement cowbell bisexed extensions avarices busy deceitfully aunt animators douche caribou anneals evil disproving fib fresher framing fopped curettage breasted cadency constellations wordswithfriendscheat . Dabbing diapering dines fierce exorcists wordswithfriendscheat abstractedness . Bogey enuresis bastilles enjambment detract commiserating ammoniac distribute datives derivatives discriminating cutlets disliked bootjack confuting facies encounterers wordswithfriendscheat do affray clumpiest adoring emulate geiger caesurae epidermization coherency anymore cryptographer garfish batten ergotized dialers . Bedmakers genitures defamation designated chinning wordswithfriendscheat chatted ...

Currycombs wordswithfriendscheat ajar colombia biogenic garlics federacy bot faust coffined acidulate cryotron flops expiable demythologizations bathrooms cardiograms cannonball .

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