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Steve Rogers

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What If-The Cap and The Hedonist [27 Jun 2011|09:50pm]
Sersi had helped him disguise himself as a teenage to find out what had happened to those teenagers and stumbled upon that camp run by Mother Night. Lucky he had gotten all those kids to safety and taken it all down.

Sersi had told him to come back to her place after he had finished to find out what favor exactly she wanted from him in exchange for her help.

When he got there he found an romantic candlelit dinner set up.
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Test Scene [09 Jun 2010|01:08am]

Steve had a bit of down time he finished his workout earlier than he thought he would and was taking advantage of the time to a bit of drawing. He was very good at it but never really had much time to use it as much as he would like.

He was sitting at a table on the patio sketching some of the garden.

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App [08 Jun 2010|11:48pm]
Player (nickname/handle)/LJ: Matt
AIM (if you have one): darkhoodedmonk46
Character Name: Steve Rogers
Character LJ (if applicable): firstavenger
PB if using one:
Character location/Home: New York
What are your plans for the character? Acting as one of the leading members of the Avengers.
How are you planning on working them into the game? He’ll be at the Avenger’s Mansion.
Is there anything from canon that you plan on changing with that character? No.
What sort of plots to do you want to do with this character? Avengers stuff.
Please be as detailed as you wish: Test Scene Pending
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