AND YOU WON'T, NO NO YOU WON'T, YOU WON'T MAKE A FOOL OUT OF ME. [entries|friends|calendar]
a little unstable, clinically labeled, fucked up.

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彡 locked. [11 Apr 2030|11:16pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | axl rose | sr-71 ]

rant journal.

My main journal is at [info]doodles. If you want to add me, go there. This is just for when I'm feeling whining and I don't think my whole f-list needs to suffer through it all. But if I know you from my personal journal, I'll add you. Or at least consider it. If you have a problem with my bitching, just unadd me. I'm entitled to my opinions and I won't say sorry for them. Especially seeing as this is a rant journal and it's not at all difficult to say things I regret when I'm angry. And I don't expect of anyone to agree with everything I say.
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