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User:finnigan (8345)
it's a celebration and everyone should invite me
(no userpics)
Name:seamus finnigan.
Website:no, you can't give a build-up like that and not deliver. you know, a perfect female body, it's not a bad start.
Schools:None listed
People22:arithmancy, barnabas, bones, fairestchild, finnigan, frilly, harpoon, leisurely, loud, mactheknife, manipulating, mikehunt, paranoia, patil, pigtails, queenie, qvmods, smartarse, thor, thorny, turpin, welsh
Communities2:quivive, quiviveooc
Friend of:8: bach, finnigan, leisurely, loud, paranoia, qvmods, thor, thorny
Member of:2: quivive, quiviveooc
Account type:Early Adopter

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