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The unthinking majority. ([info]feuerfrei) wrote,
@ 2009-03-12 12:20:00

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Current music:How Will I Laugh Tomorrow - Suicidal Tendencies
Entry tags:everybody everybody everybody sucks

Thirty Two
Ohhhh, this hasn't been a good week. Anyway, my lappy's AC adapter got stolen. Fortunately, I ordered a new one off eBay. Regardless, I want to find the kid who did that and kick his ass in.

My iPod was sent in to Best Buy for repairs three weeks ago; they said it would be ready in two. I'm still running off my dad's iPod, which is a piece of shit with no battery life.

Sigh. And I wan tot watch the rest of Kyoshiro. And finish up grabbing Princess Tutu.

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2009-03-13 12:55 pm UTC (link)
Very nice. Our 80GB classic started to wear out (the plug doesn't want to work anymore), so we upgraded to iTouches and then eventually my bf got an iPhone. So now I have a sexy iTouch... but only 16GB. :(

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2009-03-13 01:09 pm UTC (link)
Sadly, I don't think I'd be able to live on just 16GB D:

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2009-03-13 01:11 pm UTC (link)
Yea, I lost all of my music collection three times in a row. So it's been easy so far :( Most of my space on the thing is devoted to YGO abridged episodes.

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