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The unthinking majority. ([info]feuerfrei) wrote,
@ 2009-03-12 12:20:00

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Current music:How Will I Laugh Tomorrow - Suicidal Tendencies
Entry tags:everybody everybody everybody sucks

Thirty Two
Ohhhh, this hasn't been a good week. Anyway, my lappy's AC adapter got stolen. Fortunately, I ordered a new one off eBay. Regardless, I want to find the kid who did that and kick his ass in.

My iPod was sent in to Best Buy for repairs three weeks ago; they said it would be ready in two. I'm still running off my dad's iPod, which is a piece of shit with no battery life.

Sigh. And I wan tot watch the rest of Kyoshiro. And finish up grabbing Princess Tutu.

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2009-03-12 06:29 pm UTC (link)
I have no idea, either, really. |: Especially since the lappy was in the same bag as the AC adapter. That's just fucked.

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