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The unthinking majority. ([info]feuerfrei) wrote,
@ 2009-03-06 06:15:00

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Entry tags:watchmen

Thirty One
Okay. Watchmen -- is it worth the money to see? How many baseball bats should I carry if I want any hope of getting a ticket to see the show at around the time I arrive? Will there be any Twilight shit? Should I get hold of a Rorschach mask and wear it for shits and giggles?

Or would a flamethrower be better than baseball bats?

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2009-03-06 04:35 pm UTC (link)
Haven't seen it myself yet but if the internet is any indication... its well worth it

also why not combine the flamethrower and the baseball bat?

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2009-03-06 04:40 pm UTC (link)
Okay. Well, I've heard it's good, but that might just be fangirls talking!

cause if I rip of Shana she'll fucking kill me! Cause that might take a while to perfect, and by then I can just pirate a DVD rip.

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2009-03-07 02:37 am UTC (link)
that is true. A bat would suffice unless you could Macguyver/Nitori some kind of chainsawbat/flaming bat quickly

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2009-03-07 02:45 am UTC (link)
I could attempt to MacGuyver a chainsawbat. I don't think I'm amazing enough to Nitori it.

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