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The unthinking majority. ([info]feuerfrei) wrote,
@ 2009-02-06 10:23:00

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Current music:Feuer und Wasser - Rammstein

1. How do you feel right now?
Kinda evil kinda grumpy.
2. What's your favourite past time?
Well okay, you'd have to replace that with a laptop, but.
3. Do you consider yourself a strange person?
I dunno what that means, either.
4. What's your main fandom?
Touhou + loud noisy music = ???
5. OTP?
Since my otp is not supported nowheres.
6. How do you describe yourself?
Probably a little too volatile.
7. How do others describe you?
I know at least one person thinks I ttly get off on other people's suffering.
8. What's your favourite icon to use that's not default?
Rena is just that awesoooooooome~
9. Do you have an icon of your future husband/wife?
That or
This for the sake of spiting one of my interbutts friends.
10. Do you have an LOLWUT icon?

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