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Andrea "Drea" Johnson ([info]feminist) wrote,
@ 2014-04-27 19:31:00

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Cho and I have been extremely busy with our arts and crafts project this weekend! But I think we're finally ready for a shopping trip to find some lovely flowers to fill our creations and decorate what might be our favorite place in the house: our porch.

She thinks we should go for something like marigolds and daffodils, but I'm rather fond of azaleas and morning glories myself.

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2014-04-27 09:49 pm UTC (link)

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2014-04-27 09:54 pm UTC (link)
I'm so excited, Tony! And potted plants could just be the start! We could have a flower garden in the front, with roses and lavender and all sorts of other things! And an herb garden by the kitchen door, perhaps!

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2014-04-27 10:29 pm UTC (link)
Yes! That sounds perfect! We can make sure it's all feng shui to bring the utmost peace to our household!

Though it is pretty hard to keep us quiet.

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2014-04-27 10:37 pm UTC (link)
I have no idea how to Sounds brilliant!

You say that as if it's a bad thing. Or as if you don't know me at all. I'm pretty sure I can give you two a run for your money, you know.

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2014-05-01 12:56 am UTC (link)
I know a massively brilliant florist!

Just ask Maggie. She can attest.

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