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Nicolai Sablinova ([info]favoredheir) wrote,
@ 2010-09-16 16:20:00

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Symkaria Country Info

Official Name: Kingdom of Symkaria (Symkrija Kiralysog)
Population: 1,500,000
Capital City: Aniana

History: The country of Symkaria has been around for 300 years. During WWI the surround countries tried to absorbed Symkaria but they instead reinforced it sovereignty. The Nazis occupied part of the country but they joined forces with Latveria to avoid total occupation. During the post war period Symkaria also avoided being absorbed into the USSR.

Symkaria mindful of the sacrifices it's people made against the Nazis became the premiere Nazi hunters in the world.Being the base of the V-battalion and the countries own effort towards that cause the Wild Pack. After years of that with the number of Nazi war criminals dwindling the Wild Pack shifted to being a mercenary operation becoming the biggest economic force in the country.

Recent History: After the assassination of Queen Vivian, King Stefan abdicated the throne of Symkaria in grief. Since there were no other members of the royal family to take the throne readily available the Parliament of Symkaria been looking into what they should do next. They looked between searching for a distance member of the royal family to take the throne or finding someone else from Symkaria who would work. Eventually someone suggested Silver Sable which quickly became a popular idea among the people of Symkaria.

When approached about it, Silver was not to fond of the idea but if this was what her beloved country wanted then she could not refuse. The only thing she asked was to be allowed to continue her work with Silver Sable International and given the economic importance the company had to the country they said yes.

Places of Interest: Castle Sable, Castle Hargenhoff, Castle Masada, Draken River(Latverian Border), Eptrios, Kronlia, Mount Balba, Sergeikan Caverns, Raven's Copse, Ryork River, Sergeikan Caverns, St. Eboar, University of Aniana, Viscayin Mountains, Wild Pack HQ

Government : Parliamentary monarchy
Major Languages: Symkarian, Hungarian
Monetary Unit: Euro (formerly Symkarian franc)
Major Resources: Mercenaries, coal, iron ore, machinery, nuclear power, watchmaking, toys, car & jet manufacturing

Ruler: Queen Silvija Sablinova

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