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Nicolai Sablinova ([info]favoredheir) wrote,
@ 2012-07-16 17:37:00

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Date Night Meme 3-5
After finishing up his work for the day with SSI Nicolai had one more meeting to attend to which had been set up by the royal advisers. He hadn't had a chance to look through what the meeting was about yet but figured he could do that quickly once he got there.

He thought it was a little odd the meeting place was a bar but took a quiet booth off to the side and placed an order for a drink while he waited.

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2012-07-23 08:59 pm UTC (link)
Nicolai was still going over a few things on his smart phone. Mostly business stuff and had come across a little bit of info on who he was supposed to be meeting with.

He didn't notice Eliza was there till he got his own ordered drink.

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2012-07-30 01:24 pm UTC (link)
"Nicolai Sablinova, right," she asks after she has gotten much closer. She wasn't exactly sure she hadn't seen a picture of him before but she had been given some information.

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2012-08-04 12:02 am UTC (link)
"Yes," Nicolai says offering her his hand, "You must be Eliza Romanov."

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