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Nicolai Sablinova ([info]favoredheir) wrote,
@ 2012-07-16 17:37:00

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Date Night Meme 3-5
After finishing up his work for the day with SSI Nicolai had one more meeting to attend to which had been set up by the royal advisers. He hadn't had a chance to look through what the meeting was about yet but figured he could do that quickly once he got there.

He thought it was a little odd the meeting place was a bar but took a quiet booth off to the side and placed an order for a drink while he waited.

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2012-07-22 12:08 am UTC (link)
He might get to see the next person to walk in. She look very confident and is paying attention to everything. Eliza was very rarely home for people to talk her into these things and had no idea that it was supposed to be a date.

She had dressed nicely though as she does tend to have her Mother's taste in clothes. She also is keenly aware of the person she's supposed to meet but she wants to get a drink before she heads on over.

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2012-07-23 08:59 pm UTC (link)
Nicolai was still going over a few things on his smart phone. Mostly business stuff and had come across a little bit of info on who he was supposed to be meeting with.

He didn't notice Eliza was there till he got his own ordered drink.

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2012-07-30 01:24 pm UTC (link)
"Nicolai Sablinova, right," she asks after she has gotten much closer. She wasn't exactly sure she hadn't seen a picture of him before but she had been given some information.

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2012-08-04 12:02 am UTC (link)
"Yes," Nicolai says offering her his hand, "You must be Eliza Romanov."

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