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Nicolai Sablinova ([info]favoredheir) wrote,
@ 2012-06-13 15:42:00

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Lost- Kal
Nicolai and Kal were driving through a truly rural part of America. The GPS in his car wasn't working and said the road they were driving on did not even exist.

They had been trying to keep a low profile before taking down a Red Skull training camp. But at this point Nicolai wasn't sure where they were or how to get there. It really made him wish they just could have gone in their guns blazing by dropship but he knew that they couldn't do that.

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2012-07-18 02:12 pm UTC (link)
"Hold on. Going to go in fast," Kal said and turned on the speed.

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2012-07-18 05:17 pm UTC (link)
Nicolai nods an affirmative as they head off to the compound.

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