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Nicolai Sablinova

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Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept [31 Jan 2013|12:34am]
Nicolai Sablinova


Strong Willed- Resistant to Psychic Attack. Immune to Psychic debuffs
Wild Pack- Chance when attacking or attack to call in support from the Wildpack


L1- Sword Slash- Attacks a single opponent with slashing melee. Causes bleeding.

L2- Open Fire- Attacks a single opponent with ranged gun. High Crits.

L6- Hypnotic Gaze- Stuns a single opponent. Quick Action. Puts a stack of mental stress on Nicolai which deals damage to Nicolai if Hypnotic Gaze is used again that turn.

L9- Symkarian Strike- Attacks a single opponent with unarmed melee. Exploits stun. Causes off-balance and weakness.
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