Nicolai Sablinova's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Nicolai Sablinova

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Random Scenario Meme 6/Fluff-10 [22 Jan 2012|02:04pm]
Today was the big day. Aniana was all decked out and excited for the wedding heck the entire country was for Nicolai Sablinova crown price of Symkaria to Kalypso of the Eternals. The Cathedral was beautiful decorated though there had been a few fights between their mother over how the wedding should looks and what should take place.

Nicolai had to admit he was glad that the advisers would no longer be hounding him about marriage and such things. Hopeful they would give them at least a little time to enjoy themselves before they start hounding them about babies and heirs. But all that could wait until the wedding was over which right now was the only thing on his mind.
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[ viewing | January 22nd, 2012 ]
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