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Nicolai Sablinova

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[19 Jan 2012|07:56pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Nicolai Sablinova
Character LJ (if applicable):

Physical description (face, build, weight): Nicolai is 6 ft and 180lbs. He has blue eyes and dark silver hair.
Age: 21
Birthday: May 16
PB: (If using one.)

Abilities: Master Combatant- Nicolai has been trained in Hand-to-Hand combat, Weapons, and Guns by his mother, the Wild Pack, and the best Trainers money can buy. He also has access to the best equipment that money can buy too.

Hypnotic Stare- If Nicolai makes eye contact with someone he can send them into a five second trance during which they are completely unaware of what’s going on around them and when they exit the trance it seems like no time has past.

Indomitable Will- Nicolai’s mental force of will cannot be broken and is a nightmare for telepaths to deal with.

Weaknesses and flaws: Nicolai’s Hypnotic Stare will not work on someone who’s will is greater than his like his Mother’s. Constant use of this ability will quickly leave him exhausted mentally.

Nicolai is human and has all the weaknesses that come with that.

Character location/Home: Symkaria
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Generally Good

Relatives (living/dead?): Silvija 'Silver' Sablinova- Mother, The Foreigner- Father, Ernst Sablinova- Grandfather(deceased), Anastasia Sablinova- Grandmother(deceased)

Backstory: Nicolai is the son Sliver Sable and The Foreigner during one of the periods where they liked each other. Given his parents relationship he has only knowingly met his father a handful of times though it is highly like he has met him more than that given The Foreigner’s skill at disguise.

From as early an age as she advisers would allow she had had Nicolai be trained in how to fight something he has become very good at. Not long after that Nicolai began training in diplomacy for when he would someday take over rulership of Symkaria in addition to his regular school which he excelled in as he was expected to.

As a teenager though he started to rebel a bit in a few small ways questioning his teachers and his schooling as seriously as he should. Sliver in turn reacted by stopping his combat training until he got back on track with schooling. Nicolai quickly did but there was still unresolved tension between them. As would be expected between the two incredibly strong willed people.

When Nicolai turned eighteen he left Symkaria for college and also to help run Silver Stable International. He has gone on some missions with them where he should exceptional skill in fighting and leadership something Silver was hoping to see. Nicolai and Silver have not talked too much since he has left home.

Nicolai is a media darling and well liked by the people of Symkaria. Nicolai has no desire to take on rulership of Symkaria anytime soon but if he needs to do so will when called to though he would much rather be in charge of Silver Stable International.

Nicolai sees the Avengers as the ultimate way to test his skills and to learn more and make connections that can help his country.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Joining up with the Avengers
What are you planning to do with this character?: Avengers stuff and some stuff with SSI.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: Grow as a character.

Sample post:
Here's some old scenes I did with the character before these adjustments. Though am more than willing to do a new Test Scene if needed.
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