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Nicolai Sablinova

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Operation Delivery Boy [09 Feb 2011|10:36pm]
1. Silver Sable International gets a job protecting a medical supply shipment generously donated by Vita-Tech in a poor African nation were convoys delivering such supplies have been attacked. Since Wild Pack hasn’t done any jobs in a while Nicolai set it up so that they take care of this mission.

2. During the transport of the medical supplies the small convoy gets attacked by rebel forces. Wild Pack fights of the attack but in the confusion most of the medical supplies get stolen.

3. With the medical supplies stolen that means they don’t get paid for the job so they go after the rebel forces to get them back.

4. Since the rebels know the lay of the land better and have in some cases been living out here all their lives tracking them down will prove difficult though possible with effort though there may be ways to bypass this.

5. Wild Pack tracks the medical supplies to a hidden rebel base in an unknown cave system. They can go in quietly or loudly but either way their mission objective is to get the medical supplies out of there and in tack.

6. After the group or part of the group makes it to the medical supplies they will have a brief encounter with the leader of the rebel who will get them know that she did this because we wanted to help and save the people of her country and to hurt them is the last thing she could do. If Bea is there she should be able to tell that she’s not lying and there is more to this than meets the eye but what exactly is not yet clear.

7. The leader makes a quick getaway while Wild Pack deals with her elite trained group. Wild Pack should be able to beat them or drive them off but the rebel leader is gone having vanished into the wilderness.

8. Wild Pack delivers the supplies and gets paid.

This is the start up of a plot series I have in mind surrounding the conspiracy of Vita-Tech.
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