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Jai West

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Finally on time? [09 Sep 2013|12:28am]
Being a flash, visitors from other times weren't as big a surprise as it would be for others. Still, when there's an odd flash of light Jai isn't sure what to expect. Probably not this though.
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(Backdated to September 2011) A much needed talk [23 Dec 2012|11:12pm]
There were things that put strains on friendship. And though not on most people's lists, killing your friend was definitely one of them. It's no surprise Jai had been avoiding Din.
What he didn't get was why Din even wanted to see him anymore. He'd murdered him, there was no way around that, if anything he expected, and even felt he deserved, Din cutting all ties. But after running out on him the last time he'd tried to talk, and after that email saying no response would be assumed that their friendship just couldn't recover...well, Jai felt he at least owed Din a conversation without running. Those years as friends warranted at minium that.
So Jai manages to pluck up the courage to make the run to New York and find Din. He could face down supervillains, surely he could manage this. Arriving breathless, from stressing out over it not the run itself, Jai walks around to try and find Din.
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Test scene [12 Dec 2012|08:16pm]
With superspeed there was never any excuse not to drop by and visit people, time and distance were no longer issues. So after class Jai jogs (for a speedster) over to the Brownstone to visit Iris. Mom was going to have a fit about the way he went through running shoes, but why bother with a costume for just that short run?

A blur zooms in and Jai appears beside her. "Hi Irey, you free?"
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