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Adrian Rasputin

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App [26 Apr 2011|11:47pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
Email: already known
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Adrian Rasputin
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): Adrian is six feet tall though still could grow a little bit and is 160 lbs. He has brown hair and blue eyes.
Age: 17
Birthday: February 23
PB: (If using one.)Nico Tortorella

Gravity Manipulation- Adrian is capable of manipulating gravity to create from Zero-G to an Infinite Mass like effect. He can effect a small area or just an individual object including people. He also in theory could create an artificial gravitational pull around an object or plane(allowing people to walk on walls or the ceiling or be pulled toward something) and create gravity well, and implosions.

Weaknesses and flaws:
Adrian has a lot of self doubt about his control and the extent of his abilities which puts limits on what he thinks he can do that are far below his actual limits. This keeps him using his powers to generally just be able to create gravity altering from Zero-G to about 50 times normal weight. He can push himself beyond these limits without knowing it while calm or enraged.

While Zero-G is an effect he can create and maintain with relative ease high increases in gravity require intense concentration to be maintain as would creating artificial gravitational pulls, much like how telekinetic need more focus to move bigger objects. If he can not concentrate at all he become effectively powerless.

Adrian is not immune to his own powers so if he creates a gravity area effect around him he is effected like anyone else.

Adrian can currently maintain one gravity effect at a time.

He also still occasionally has control issues but these incidence are fewer and fewer.

Character location/Home: Currently Xaviers
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Peter Rasputin- Father, Kitty Pryde- Mother, Dimitri Rasputin- Brother, Ellie Rasputin- Sister
Backstory: Peter and Kitty middle child Adrian grew up not really care if he developed a power or not much to his sister's annoyance at the time. However when his powers did develop boy did they develop.

When his powers first manifested Adrian woke up finding himself floating in the middle of his bed room with the rest of his bedroom floating with him. At first he thought it was kind of cool but when he found he couldn't turn it off he immediately panicked which just made things worse.

His parents of course knew exactly where to send him to learn control. Compared to may other students at Xaviers Adrian had a lot more trouble then most trying to master his powers.

While he got his powers under control and could do some pretty neat stuff with them it was pretty apparent to Scott and Xavier that he really wasn't tapping into his full potential.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: A student at Xaviers.
What are you planning to do with this character? Have him come down to New Orleans and join the Champions.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Grow as a person and learn to see him own potential.

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