Sea of Bitterness

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Oh. My. God.

The stupidity that has occurred in the past two days just amaze me.

So. Faeryn and Kristin had been hanging out for the week while Jupi(alienfetus) was gone. I just didn't want to socialize with Faeryn for obviously good reasons, so I stayed home/hung out with Jason that week. Well, when Jupi got home and we were in town catching up with things. Jokingly, she text-messaged Kristin how apparently her and Faeryn were totally bffs now. Kristin called back and was like "heeeeell no."

But here's where it gets good. Kristin told us that her and Faeryn were talking about her(Jupi). And Faeryn fucking told Kristin that Jupi wasn't a virgin. And that when Carlos was in town, Faeryn paid for the hotel room in Virginia Beach for Jupi and Carlos to have sex in. Yes. They went to Virginia Beach. But they didn't have sex and they fucking paid for their own room. Jupi and I were dumbfounded by this, so she called Faeryn, who didn't pick up.

She called back later and since this is kind of longish to be writing in paragraph form, I'll do a close rendition of what happened since she was on speaker phone.

Jupi : Soooooo. I heard you're having another pregnancy scare with BJ's baby.
Faeryn : Oh...You must have been talking to Kristin...
Jupi : Yeah?

-conversation continues about Faeryn bawing about useless shit-

Jupi : So Kristin told me you told her I wasn't a virgin.
Faeryn : Yeah. Sorry.
Jupi : ...Because I am.
Jupi : I am...what made you think I wasn't?
Faeryn : Well, uh, didn't I give you that speech that you were a woman and all grown up?
Jupi : Noooooo....? What did I say that would make you think I wasn't a virgin?
Jupi : What...?

Like. REALLY? I don't care how fucking vivid that dream was, that's the kind of dream you would still know if it was real or not. The only thing Faeryn knew about the Virginia Beach trip was just her bawwing at Jupi how she never been there before like she was going to invite her.

It's not that hard to ask somebody if they're a virgin or now. Even still, everyone who knows Jupi KNOWS she's still a virgin. Faeryn likes to fucking act like she knows so much about people. She doesn't know shit about me, Jason, Jupi, or Kristin.

Oh. And she had the audacity to say to Kristin, "About time Carlos lost his virginity (he's in his early 20's)." That's fucking rude and uncalled for on all levels. Just because she's a fucking whore who'll fuck anything that has something to stick into her nasty vagina doesn't mean it's wrong for people to wait to have sex. Plus, Faeryn claimed she wasn't going to have sex anymore until she was married. WRONG. She's having another pregnancy scare (it's like her 8th one).

And she wonders why I don't want to hang out with her by myself (plus, I'm afraid she'll snap and kill me).
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