Sea of Bitterness

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You know. I keep saying I'm going to start posting in here more often, but honestly. I don't have anything to write about. I could write about my work day, because something hilarious/stupid always happens.

Like yesterday. I have quite a few scratches on my neck from a Pug. He really didn't want to get his nails clipped, so he lunged at my body for me to hold him. I could also rewrite stories my coworkers tell me, because they always have something hilarious to talk about. But that would take too long.

Or I could be like the two girls that aren't really my friends, but I'll hang out with them if I honestly have nothing better to do; I could lie about everything. "omggggg these guys are stalking me" or "baaaaaaw let me embellish something that happened to me and make it 100x worse." But 1) that's just stupid and 2) I don't have time to remember lies.

And to the people I have added on here. I just want to let you guys know that even though I may not comment on your entries, I do read them. Even though I may not know all of you personally, I do like to read about what other people do in their daily lives. I hope that doesn't come off stalkerish or weird. I just don't comment all the time because I don't have anything to say about that post (or I'm too lazy at the time).

This isn't directed to any of you guys, but a pet peeve of mine are people who expect everyone on their friends list to comment on all their entries, but think they're above commenting on other people's stuff. I mean, that's fine and all, but I've read in other people's blogs where they actually will say, "I'm cutting anyone who doesn't comment on my entries....But I won't comment on any of my friends because I don't have time." That just comes off as an entitled bitch who's looking to become e-popular. Because we all know that will get you far in life.

Bleh. I want to finish .hack//outbreak. I've had it for a few years and I think I'm at the last boss.
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