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001 Fag Hag Graphics
Fag Hag Graphics@LJ.com


December 26th, 2006

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001 Fag Hag Graphics
Happy belated Christmas everyone! Welcome to all new members, seriously thank you so much. All the new members make me so happy. I promise to give you all testimonials when I can. I'm sorry I haven't updated as often, there has been a death in the family and I have the cold of the century. Yeah it's been sucky. But I do plan on sharing many more goodies, and pixelized ones at that. I'm getting a tablet today or tomorrow, so expect a lot of new art from me. :3 I just hope you guys will like them. Anyway, yet another small batch because I suck. And since it's been awhile... here's a couple of Godsgirls and Suicide Girls icons. :) I promise another post maybe before new year's with more stuff. For now... base icons, some gussied up ones and an Annalee headerish banner blend.


More of SG's Annalee, Stellae, and Zui under cut. As well as GG's Apneatic and Erin )

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Until next update.
Lucy Fag Hag

February 17th, 2006

Take me away from this big bad world

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001 Fag Hag Graphics
I can't resist I'm hopelessly devoted to Apnea. :3 Here are 22 icons of Apnea and one banner. Kinda late for Valentine's Day but I had an itch. And I made some of Katie as well because I cannot possibly make of Apnea and not of Katie, yeah I'm a nerd like that. And some of Marie because she amuses me. ;)

Apnea )

Katie )

Marie )

Dear fucking hell... they're fixing my roof now, since they didn't finish it yesterday and I feel like the flippin' sky is falling onto my little town house. *is scared*
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