
February 17th, 2006

Journal Info

001 Fag Hag Graphics
Fag Hag Graphics@LJ.com


February 17th, 2006

Take me away from this big bad world

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001 Fag Hag Graphics
I can't resist I'm hopelessly devoted to Apnea. :3 Here are 22 icons of Apnea and one banner. Kinda late for Valentine's Day but I had an itch. And I made some of Katie as well because I cannot possibly make of Apnea and not of Katie, yeah I'm a nerd like that. And some of Marie because she amuses me. ;)

Apnea )

Katie )

Marie )

Dear fucking hell... they're fixing my roof now, since they didn't finish it yesterday and I feel like the flippin' sky is falling onto my little town house. *is scared*
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