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Fabian Prewett

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[07 Mar 2020|11:49am]
Fabian lyrics )
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[31 Aug 2009|09:59pm]
Holy crap.

Hogwarts starts tomorrow. I can't even believe how long it's been since I've taken the train to that castle! I feel ancient. Like a caveman.

Or a rock.

Or dirt.

I'm old as dirt! Augh. Time flies too quickly.

Well, you kids ready for the new year?
34 comments|post comment

[05 Apr 2009|01:48am]
Warded to close friends, and family. )
4 comments|post comment

[22 Mar 2009|12:17am]
Best month ever.

Hands down.
15 comments|post comment

[08 Mar 2009|10:38pm]
Well, this fucking sucks.

Good game.
21 comments|post comment

[02 Jan 2009|12:55pm]
Gideon and Molly )
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[31 Aug 2008|01:16am]
I never realized how small my old apartment was until I moved into this house.

Oh, and for all of you who didn't know, I moved. Into a house.

With Bess and Sadie.


Notice the happy.

Bess )
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[27 Jul 2008|08:25pm]
Bess )
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[28 Jun 2008|04:24pm]
Sirius and Dexter )
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[18 Jun 2008|01:03am]
Bess )
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[03 Apr 2008|10:53pm]
Gideon and Molly )
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oo4 [18 Mar 2008|11:17am]
Losing the last game before the championship the day before St.Patrick's day does not leave room for a hangover until the 18th.

In other words, I'd rather be dead than feel as miserable as I do right now. I was able to put up a shit quality charm around my apartment to block out most of the noise from downstairs, and cover up all the windows because the sun is going to make my head explode...and it's already close enough to doing so without all that light. The light from my wand that I'm using to write all of this is giving me a headache.

So, really, don't bother trying to talk to me today. Or tomorrow, probably.

I figured I'd give you all some warning, because I plan on sleeping until Friday.

God damn it.
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oo3 [10 Mar 2008|02:56am]

Sorry ladies.
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oo2 [01 Mar 2008|10:38pm]


I can't find me bel--
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oo1 [28 Feb 2008|09:37am]
[ mood | blank ]

Private )
Molly )

So who's missed me?

Don't all reply at once.

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