Flashback: The Disabled Duo beginnings
Of all the stupid...a boarding school for the weird kids is where he'd been sent. He had no illusions about it, none. Caused his parents enough trouble being deaf and lashing out about it. But when they found out about his little snapping power? They took the first opportunity they could to send him away with all the other little society misfits. At least now he wouldn't ever stand out as a mutant freak. Nope, now he was in his usual disabled kid schtick. Not much better really, you either got made fun of or pitied. Unless of course you lashed out a little, then they just stayed away, which was preferable.
Grumbling for the fiftieth time that day, Simon pulls his suitcase and bags along to the door of the place and knocks. He just wanted this all over with already.
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