Title: Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse - Book I: The Invisible Chains Format: Novel - Original characters Length: Chapter: 9 610 words - Total: 404 988 words (August 20th, 2010) Status: WIP Rating: NC-17 - M - M/M Slash Warnings: Violence, incest, rape, non-con, domination may all occur in varying degrees Chapter 49: TmeritektosGuess what Tmeritektos means, and if you know already, who it is.Anaxantis is in a very dangerous situation... Actually, there isn't much more that can be told without spoiling the fun, except that the battle rages on and some of the pages get mixed up in it. Some people die, some get horribly wounded. At last the warlord is forced to make a terrible decision. Link: XimerionTags: Dark Tales Chapter announcements