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e s t e l l a ([info]estellerina) wrote,
@ 2011-07-06 22:27:00

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Woe is me :( My house is sooooo empty not without my big, strong, strapping husband around all the time :(


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2011-07-07 12:06 am UTC (link)
If I could still be home with you and the kids, you know I would be.

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2011-07-07 12:09 am UTC (link)
I know that's what makes me SIGH :(

Tell Finn to move practice it our backyard!

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2011-07-07 12:11 am UTC (link)
Or, instead of going to such extreme measures, perhaps I can suggest us doing something more practical, like getting a dog?

As you've pointed out, we have the yard space for one or two, and it would help make the house seem a little less empty, when the kids have play dates and I'm away.

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2011-07-07 12:13 am UTC (link)

I just woke Lizzy from her nap with the squeal I just let out!

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2011-07-07 12:15 am UTC (link)
I've been known to have them every now and again.

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2011-07-07 12:22 am UTC (link)
Big, strong, strapping, and brilliant! That should go on one of your Puddlemere t-shirts!

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2011-07-07 03:56 am UTC (link)
How will you ever carry on!

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2011-07-07 08:18 pm UTC (link)
I shall have to surprise the men (and lovely lady when she returns!) of Puddlemere with desserts, which will be seen as sweet and kind but is actually a very Slytherin, devious tactic to visit my husband!

See, I can plot.

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2011-07-08 12:02 am UTC (link)
So really you mean your true motive is to fatten up the opposing team of your best friend to make her happy. How thoughtful of you!

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