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e s t e l l a ([info]estellerina) wrote,
@ 2008-07-04 19:51:00

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Annnd to round things out:


I like seeing some good going on in the world.

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2008-07-05 10:40 pm UTC (link)
Oh! Right! Duh, I mean first day--I was just talking about it! Duh on me. Woww duh- No worries! I could always pick up Marcus or something or--Jolene could drop him off, or even come! That's fine, it's just a kiddie party it's not like--a big deal.

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2008-07-05 10:50 pm UTC (link)
Yeah. I don't know what Jo's plans are, she might be out with that Healer that she's been seeing lately. But I'm sure she'd want to go, for Jacob. Marcus has been going on about it for about a week, so I don't really care how he gets there, I just care that he does. He's never been to a birthday party before. He's had one or two, but it was just me, Jolene and my Mum and Dad who were there, so...

Make sure he doesn't have too much candy, he'll be up all night. He has a habit of sneaking it into his pockets.

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2008-07-05 10:53 pm UTC (link)
That definitely means no piƱatas.

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2008-07-05 10:57 pm UTC (link)
Probably. Besides, I have a feeling that giving Marcus a stick and telling him to hit a colorful, fake animal with it, could end in disaster.

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