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Random Writings of a crazyperson

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bah [15 Jan 2008|01:38am]
[ mood | Rock ]
[ music | Lacuna Coil - Enjoy the Silence ]

bah these colours still suck, but whatever I guess, least i can look at it now, all I want are simple colours that don't make me want to tear out my retinas in rage

Attempting to get things going ok. Gonna pick up food/stuff tomorrow and see how my body deals with the journey, gonna drop by the health clinicy thingy anyways and keep up my glorious way of knocking everything out so I don't have to do shit this weekend (cept spending precious time with Jess).

Also, I think I'm so gonna go to the 2008 edition of Gigantour, its the day after my birthday and its got a fair lineup, although I don't like children of bodom, the others are all good. It will also most likely be my first tour of 2008 too since nothing comes here or is on nights where I don't have to come back the very same night, which I really don't want to do cause I'm lazy and the trip is just unfun seeing how I'm usually drained by the end of them. Besides, I need more Job For a Cowboy t-shirts, one simply ISNT ENUFF!

Horrific day of today though, fucking me (not like that you pervs) sleeping through my alarm. My body hates that shit, so I just need the alarm to play the music really loudly. My babbling doesn't seem to be on tonight either so eh.

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