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The Future Awaits!! [20 Nov 2008|01:59pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Ragnarap D: ]

I'm very very very very very excited right now. Yesterday, my mother called to ask for my email address in hopes of sending me a free brochure from ITT. We were talking during that time and she hit send DURING the conversation and soon after we said our good-byes. I barely had enough to time come back and say "back" and a short message to Waffle when the phone rang again. This time, it was ITT! They were calling to ask me if I wanted to tour the school! Totally worth being late to WoE.

Of course, on the topic of WoE, I WARNED the people in my campaign that I wouldn't be available from 3-5, which was why they were supposed to come over at 1 (it was one person at first and then the rest somehow accumulated for the day). Of course, they came over at 3:45 and Dietz TRIED to lead them through but he had no idea what he was doing. And they were talking to me. So I was having a hard time focusing on WoE and let two enemies sneak by me. I was so close to strangling them that it's making me wonder if this campaign is going to be a good idea. Surprisingly, my hopes lie on Hebi. Ever since he came back from Georgia, he seems a lot more calm. The only issue he has is that he still talks continuously about something that people have expressed that they don't want to listen to right then.

^That's the only bad thing that happened though. And Waffle getting my Harpy Card (which, for Lisa's sake, is the last card in a set I was gathering. AKA, it's epic-ness in a card on RO) more than made up for it AND the lack of coffee (and I have coffee now anyway, so all is good *sip*)

Also, my mother and I stopped beating ourselves up over the Financial Aid thing (FAFSCAA? I'm unsure of the acronym). We can't submit it until January 1 anyway.

I might have a temp job at the Commissary and I'm going to apply for cashier at the Navy Exchange. I actually thing Cashier should be my big focus for now because I'm good at math and really good at finding patterns in numbers (In fact I search for them even if I don't need them)

(I need new mood things....)

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