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eqzehjymtd ([info]eqzehjymtd) wrote,
@ 2011-12-14 05:24:00

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2015-08-31 03:24 pm UTC (link)
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2015-08-31 03:24 pm UTC (link)
very best job harga cytotec misoprostol 200 mcg (http://doctorhenderson.co.uk/DrHendersonBlog/) Just the overpaid, non-productive Washington political class having fake histrionics over yet another hyper-inflated , fake crisis. What war on 1st Amendment free speech rights? When the AP and Fox Entertainment Channel rushed to leak classified information, the Federal government has the legal authority, the responsibility and duty to investigate the individual [s] responsible, determine the amount and severity of the security thefts assess damages resultant leak and develop transmission or storage methodology and/or anti-intruder defenses What ‘Free Press? Those big critters were extinct in Ronnie’s 2nd term; it’s a shame that only, the puny, paid speech critters with big mouths are left. Without exception every national media communication network, is corporately owned, controlled and directed and many SMSA where all media outlets are owned and controlled by one mega-media corporation. The Federal government more and more looks like a ‘down-on-its- luck, three ring circus, a ringmaster in each ring, three right clown caucuses, many different breeds of left ring cats yet subtly tied by their felinity and, a small group of black striped, white Dinos and white striped, Black rhinos in the middle ring. Most of the front row, luxurious box seats are full, the top row, least expensive bleacher less than half full; “small gate tonight”, the biggest, right ring clown muttered. Meanwhile, the same fact & fiscal impact was being discussed by approx 30 different breeds of left ring cats in the BBR,( Big Beautiful Ruff) caucus determined to defeat any right ring clowns’ amendment reducing left ring cats social program spending while increasing spending for right ring clown’s toys. Coincidentally , the same fact and the same fiscal impact was being discussed by all of the rinos and dinos in the middle ring, [what? why by all them? I told you once already, there’s only a small group left)It didn’t take long to agree that the center ringers were so few they couldn’t make a difference and left the caucus area; only the caucus leader didn’t resume going around and around the same circle. Moving only his eyes, he looked for and found the biggest right ring clown and with a small ear twitch turned his eyes away. Again moving only his eyes looked and saw all the different breeds of the left ring cats and with a small ear twitch turned his eyes away. Then with very audible growl of disgust couched down and relaxed on all four paws; only one Dino heard him mutter, “Are We Ever going to get our acts back together?”

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2015-08-31 03:24 pm UTC (link)
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2015-08-31 03:24 pm UTC (link)
Looking for work getting accutane (http://www.dolphin-academy.com/the-academy) In the “real world” unions are as those back in the days if the industrial revolution who advocated “smash the machines” to preserve jobs. They were incapable of envisioning that a more efficient process, while displacing some in the short term, would result in a better standard of living for most. They are inherently “anti-progress”.

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2015-08-31 03:24 pm UTC (link)
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2015-08-31 03:24 pm UTC (link)
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2015-08-31 03:24 pm UTC (link)
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2015-09-01 06:32 pm UTC (link)
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2015-09-02 09:22 pm UTC (link)
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2015-09-02 09:22 pm UTC (link)
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