The absence of your name in Customs files for the last 59 days.
Europe. The Indies. The States. You wouldn't go beyond -
I shouldn't have to tell you what kind of corpse you are without my hatred there to animate it.
Are you lonely, running like a rat?
I should be a good brother by you. Let me. I'll find you a proper dead woman for a spiritual marriage: quiet, intelligent. Someone whose avenging ghost will tear you limb by limb both here and in the afterlife.
Don't worry. She can keep your bones, but I'll take your eyes. Family token, Itachi. Blood of my blood who spilled my blood. We do have good eyes.
Let's end it soon, shall we? It's beyond the point of incoherent monologues.
Your brother,

A woman teasing out her spouse's innards.
is a good day.
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