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uchiha ][ sasuke ([info]equate) wrote,
@ 2009-09-17 15:01:00

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Entry tags:...bros b4 hos you asshole, brb castrating sharkie, denied, here sharkie sharkie sharkie, nara keeps them on a loose leash, no rly small ino fee is small, photos, pimpin' ino, private, somehow this is all naruto's fault, would you like stds with that?

][ september



Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Counters. Tables. Walls. Couch. Chairs. Floor. Balcony sill. Over thirty flat, accessible, surfaces over which you could politely spread your legs in this apartment.

My pillow for Suigetsu's virginity?

Yamanaka, be fair. It was a good pillow.


Aaaaaa. When does school start...?

[ooc: rfue;oouewhi THEY DID IT IN HIS BLOODY BED, OKAY? Sob. He's totally tossing the sheets over his gd balcony SORRY KARIN YOUR NEIGHBOURS LOVE YOU. Aaaaaaand finding a picture to represent something OH SO DEEP AND MEANINGFUL about everyone's recent posts was DIFFICULT.]

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2009-09-18 12:34 am UTC (link)
I hadn't thought cheers were reserved to the female gender.

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2009-09-18 12:39 am UTC (link)
and by that logic, don't scream like a girl at every little thing that goes wrong in your life.

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2009-09-18 12:41 am UTC (link)
Offering to scream for me instead, Nara?


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2009-09-18 12:50 am UTC (link)
too much effort.

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2009-09-18 12:51 am UTC (link)
Too little pride.

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2009-09-18 04:41 am UTC (link)
guess so.

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2009-09-18 04:57 am UTC (link)
Shall we go over the nature of your reasoning every single time, Nara, or will you spare me alleged 'guesses'?

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2009-09-18 04:58 am UTC (link)
no need.

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2009-09-18 04:59 am UTC (link)
You do learn.

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2009-09-18 05:00 am UTC (link)
i'm just repeating the same things i always say to you.

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2009-09-18 05:02 am UTC (link)
Unless you're biding on my temper, you can't hope for a different outcome, then.

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2009-09-18 05:03 am UTC (link)
... i already told you. you're not that special.

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2009-09-18 05:05 am UTC (link)
In which the assumption is that your assessment matters.

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2009-09-18 06:09 am UTC (link)
well, considering you want different answers.

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2009-09-18 06:12 am UTC (link)
I prefer new answers.

I want you to keep your pet on a proper leash.

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2009-09-18 06:13 am UTC (link)
you won't get any.

that, and no. that would mean dealing with her more than i'm already required to.

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2009-09-18 06:30 am UTC (link)
Don't tell me what I can or cannot get, Nara, that demands too much effort on your part.

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2009-09-18 06:43 am UTC (link)
thinking of new answers—that takes too much effort.

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2009-09-18 06:44 am UTC (link)
So does breathing, Nara.

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2009-09-18 06:46 am UTC (link)
i never really noticed.

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2009-09-18 06:49 am UTC (link)
Aaaa. With that kind of anatomical awareness, I welcome you as my private physician once you

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2009-09-18 06:50 am UTC (link)
if you graduate.

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2009-09-18 06:51 am UTC (link)

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2009-09-18 06:51 am UTC (link)

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2009-09-18 06:58 am UTC (link)
...breathe out, Nara.

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(no subject) - [info]haecceity, 2009-09-18 10:59 am UTC

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